The Secret World of Honey bees

13 Mar 2021

Honey is a great accompaniment to toasts, pancakes and even tea. But do you ever wonder about the complex nature of work that goes on behind the creation of pure natural honey?

Honey bees are insects that have a hierarchical social structure, that is nothing short of fascinating. There are primarily 3 kinds of bees; namely the workers, the drones and the queen bee. Their co-ordination and joint efforts are essential for the entire colony.

Let us now take a brief look at the 3 of the primary categories of bees.

The Queen: She is the reproductive centre of the hive who produces more than 1,500 eggs per day. The only time she leaves the hive is when it is time to mate. Since she is fed more ‘royal jelly’ than the others, she is much larger in size compared to the rest. After her death, worker bees designate a new queen cell and raise a new queen.

The Drones: The drones are all male and have only one function, that is to mate with the queen. Owing to the lack of stingers, they are incapable of foraging for food and die immediately after mating. In winter, when food is scarce, the worker bees force them out of the hive where they are left to starve.

The Workers: For each drone bee there are 100 worker bees. They perform the most vital tasks of the colony which includes nursing the growth of larvae, building the honeycomb, collecting pollen, ripening the nectar into raw honey and of course guarding the hive. Accordingly, they are named scouts, guards and producers.

Due to environmental degradation, honey bees are fast disappearing. Their conservation is essential not only for procurement of honey, but also for the survival of the Earth as a whole. The pollination they perform is an essential act for the growth of plants.  Nature has endowed us with bountiful gifts that we ought to preserve. They honey you get from us, is all of nature’s work. We merely extract it, package it and bring it one step closer to you.

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