Mother’s Day 2024: Birth of a Mother

10 May 2024
Mother's Day 2024

Purity: Core of Existence

Purity represents the essence of genuine existence, permeating every aspect of life, from our actions to our emotions. Despite the complexities of the modern world, every entity harbours a core of purity. Evident in the simplest dewdrop on a leaf to the freshly harvested oranges in an orchard.

However, at Annapurna Group, purity isn’t just a distant ideal; it’s the guiding principle shaping our very being. We uphold purity not as a mere virtue, but as a driving force behind our actions and values. Moreover, striving to contribute to a world guided by purity. Annapurna epitomises this purity, offering untainted products imbued with love and dedication. Furthermore, enriching lives and fostering a better existence.

Since 1952, our prime values and beliefs have been fostered around purity as the source of great living. With this in mind, we sustainably source ingredients in our products and govern ethical practices for our operations. Hence, purity is not just a standard we uphold, it is the heartbeat that propels us forward. It is akin to the purest feeling of a mother giving birth to a child.

Mother’s Day: Nurturing Love, Strength, and Purity

Motherhood embodies purity, manifesting through physical, emotional, and spiritual bonds between a mother and her child. There is a sacred bond that is both timeless and transcendent. It is characterised by purity of heart, intention, and action. In addition, it reflects the essence of motherly love in its purest form. Similarly, our brand philosophy is to believe and practice this very nature of purity through our actions and values. And lead towards a world which is driven by purity. For over seven decades, Annapurna stands for the purity that drives people to a better life.

We always celebrate the homecoming of a new individual in this world with a sense of pride and joy. However, the purity of new beginnings isn’t just in birth, but also in embarking on a fresh life chapter. It is when a woman gives birth to a child, that marks her transformation to a new life. A true nature’s gift, which is to the purest of its existence, we call her MOTHER. The bond with a mother epitomizes purity, marking the purest connection one may ever know in a lifetime.

Purest gift of nature

This Mother’s Day, let us come together to celebrate the purest gift of nature. We at Annapurna believe that purity is the source of great living, just like motherhood. At Annapurna we celebrate the resilience of a mother. Also, on this mother’s day we salute to the sacrifices she endures with grace, purity, and dignity.


In celebrating the purity of motherhood, this mother’s day video is an ode to the countless women. Further, who have shaped our lives with their boundless love and strength. This Mother’s Day film honours the pure voice that echoes in the womb of a would-be mother. As they say, When a woman gives birth to a child, the child gives birth to a mother. We are Annapurna Group, and we believe in YOUR RIGHT TO PURITY.

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